You can identify
fools just by the way they walk down the street! (Ecclesiastes 10: 3 NLT)
Solomon tells us that like a dead fly
in a bottle of perfume, a little foolishness spoils great wisdom and
honor. The world perpetuates the idea
that when you become a Christian you turn off your ability to reason just like
you check your hat at a fine restaurant.
But some of this mentality may be self-inflicted because some Christians
still act like fools.
Closing The Mind But Opening The Mouth
The Book of Proverbs tells us that, Fools have no interest in understanding; they
only want to air their own opinions (Proverbs 18:2 NLT). The fool loves knowledge to show off because
as Matthew Henry has said, “he loves the sound of his own voice,” Dr. David
Jeremiah has said that the fool “closes his mind while opening the mouth.” Humility is the pivotal piece here. Humility understands that wisdom is never
gained just to promote our own agenda.
Self-effort never makes us humble.
If we should gain a measure of humility and wisdom due to our own merit,
we ultimately will end up being proud of our humility. The
fool has said in his heart, “There is no God” (Psalms 14:1 NASB). We can seek wisdom and miss God, but we can never
miss wisdom if we seek God first.
A Picture or a Mirror?
Kris Langham of Through
The Word as a “young and prideful” Christian started reading through the
Book of Proverbs. It was so obvious to
him how foolish people were. He said it
was almost “laughable” how stupid people acted sometimes. But it was not long before he started to see
that God was not just giving him a picture of a fool, but a mirror image of
one. A fool is always blind to his flaws
as deception is a by-product of conceit. If you think you are humble you are
probably not. If pride is operative in our lives we will end up with a dead fly
in our ointment. And people recognize
this smell even when you are just walking down the street.
Ken Barnes, the author of “The
Chicken Farm and Other Sacred Places”
YWAM Publishing