(Deuteronomy 8:11 NASB).
can be a curse. In times of prosperity we may be most susceptible to
disobedience and paths away from God. Our greatest tests may not be in our
trials but in times of plenty.
people have a common problem. We tend to forget. Very imperceptibly,
pride slips in the back door and we start to forget all that God has done and how
He has rescued us helpless in our sin (v.
14). Yes, we remember the acts of God, but we start to believe in our minds
and hearts that it is because as individuals or groups we are special.
Remember, Israel was not chosen because they were special; they were
special because they were chosen. It was God’s love for them and not
their goodness, strength, or power. Moses reminded Israel in Deuteronomy
9: 4-5 that He was not giving them their inheritance because their
righteousness or integrity. He was fulfilling an oath he had made to their
have their own built in mechanism that keep us on our knees. Prosperity can
lead us to forget our desperate need for God. Prayerlessness is the avenue that
allows pride to get its tentacles around our heart and lead us down the path of
self-sufficiency. The next time you feel
blessed, think back prior to your redemption and remember how hopeless and
despairing you were in your sin. Then maybe we will recognize that all we have
is because of the unmerited favor of God.
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